In no particular order, here are some recent things from my life:
1. The Woo is curled up next to the keyboard, snoozing and purring. His eyes are scrunched up and his floofy feet will sometimes stretch out to make starfishy paws. Other times, he will roll over with his belly exposed, completely trusting and witout a care in his head, of which I am jealous. I adore this cat to no end.
2. I watched "Rachels Getting Married" off of Movies On Demand. Loved it, but I am a little sick of movie perfect familes. So this family wasn't perfect, but all of their combined friends and family were.
3. Bought an FM transmittery thing for the new car, whom I am currently referring to as "Miss Pretty", so I can plug in my iPod. Icanhastunage?
4. Went in to work Saturday thinking I could get things done - two of my coworkers were there, one with her daughter. I left after only an hour and a half. My point was to get things done ALONE. Plus, I am of the opinion that if those two spent less time during their regular day yapping and texting, they wouldn't need to come in extra...
5. So a couple of weeks ago, S. came to me and said that he didn't want to lose me forever, that he had been wrong about a lot of things and was ready and willing to make changes, whatever it took to get me back. So I guess we are together, but I am REALLY not sure that this is a) what I want, b) going to work, and c) even possible given our history. I alternate between being cautious and then being concerned that I am overthinking things by being too cautious. My brain is a scary little place.
6. I am thinking about dropping my bookclub. We all take turns picking boooks, and lately they have sucked. The Christmas Sweater was a book that I was embarrased to have been sen reading, and it was such a horrible schmaltzy book to pick for a book club. No great plot lines, no character development, just dreck. Next book on deck is something by Jodi Picoult. Nothing against the book yet, as I haven't started reading it, but this author falls under chick-lit to me. I want a little something else out of a book club. The former club I was in discussed "real" books - The Handmaidens Tale, Middlesex, The Kite Runner, etc. Books of substance. Maybe I will try and draft my own club?
7. S. would like to move to Florida. His father has a house there that we used for a vacation once. Not much, but it would be our own house, in a quiet place and with very cheap rent. What's the problem, you ask? Florida. The bug capital of the world. There is a creek behind the house, which horseshoes out to a bay. The Bay? IDK. Anyway, the place is rife with things that have too many legs. And I have issues with just hosing down the place with chemicals every month. Can't be good for me or the cats. But the rent would be less than half of what we are paying now, which would allow quicker pay off of MissPretty, and there is a college very nearby so I could finally use my scary little brain. Of course, S. and I are still in a honeymoon phase, where everything is going smoothly, but in 6 weeks or 6 months...? Also, S. has been back over the road for 3-7 days at a time, so living together full time may not even work.
8. Last week, S. and I drove MissPretty over to his moms house to take her to dinner. She needs help - that's for another post though. So while we were there I checked the mail and discovered a package. I didn't remember ordering anything recelty from Amazon, but it was a possibility....turned out to be a package of jewelry from GEM. The man is entirely too generous. 3 pairs of silver and gemstone earrings, 2 necklaces and a beautiful delicate amethyst bracelet. Presents form myself are great, but random gifts form friends totally rock. I need to finish a cross stitch present for him soon. I did mail a package last week for GG, Greg and GEM, so I am not slacking on my end.
That's all for now. It is 7:20 and I have not slept well the past week or so, so I am going to take a double dose of the sleeping meds and conk out.